Welcome to

Fernvale Primary School


Childline is a free 24-hour counselling service for children and young people.

Anyone up to the age of 19 can call 0800 1111 or get advice online or on the phone.

This service is provided by the NSPCC. Childline deals with any issue which causes distress or concern, common issues dealt with include child abuse, bullying, mental illness, parental separation or divorce, pregnancy and substance misuse.

Childline intends to always keep calls confidential. Childline counsellors take action, however the situation, big or small, if they can help. Counsellors do not record calls but write down case notes of calls and sometimes counselling supervisors may also listen in to calls to make sure that they can help the best they can

Click on the link below for  more information about Childline



Bullying is when a person or group deliberately intends to cause someone else to feel hurt, distressed, threatened, or humiliated.

Bullying is not acceptable!

  • We want everyone at Fernvale Primary School to feel safe and secure.
  • We believe no one should be bullied in any way.
  • Verbal abuse of another pupil is bullying.
  • A physical attack on a pupil is bullying.
  • We must all make sure bullies never win.

If you, or someone you know, are being bullied:


  • Watching and doing nothing supports the bully.
  • Tell a member of staff or a member of your family immediately.

You cannot deal with a bully by yourself

  • Talk to a teacher, your parents, or an adult you can trust.
  • Do not give in to demands for money, sweets, or anything else.
  • Do not try to buy the bully off with sweets or other presents.


Link to a Website for more information about Bullying


Leicestershire Beyond Bullying


Computers and other technology are of benefit as they enhance our ICT skills and help us learn about the world around us. It is used in all distinct subjects and as a means of supporting all other areas of the national curriculum.

The Pupils are invigorated to interconnect ideas and information in a variety of forms. Using technology and software develop their learning. The school is committed to high eminence Internet Safety for all.

Pupils need to be empowered to keep themselves safe. 

Click on the pictures to access relevant websites to give you further information on how to stay safe and aware online.

Think U Know for  5 to 7    year-olds

Think U Know for 8 to 10 year-olds

ChildNet - Primary Site

CBBC Stay Safe - A Place to Help you Boss your Life Online


Links for Parents and Carers

Using the internet can make learning fun, fast and easy. The following sites offer help to keeping you and your child safe online:


YouTube Kids

More and more of us are using the internet for research and leisure and one of the most popular destinations is YouTube. You can find all manner of subject-specific information on YouTube but not every subject is appropriate for children. Google has created a children's app called YoutubeKids. This is down-loadable to android and apple devices. We provide the link to the parent guide for this app.

Using the Internet is great fun if you surf safely.

Remember! Never go online without asking permission from a parent or carer.

Foundation Stage and KS1 children - we think you should always have your parent or carer with you if you go online.

Learn how to keep safe online by looking at the links below with your grown-ups. 

12smartphoneonlinesafetytips.pdf .pdf
age_ratings.pdf .pdf
cyberbullying.pdf .pdf
Fortnite Guide for Parents.pdf .pdf
nationalonlinesafetyparentsguidetointernetcontrols.pdf .pdf
socialmediaandmentalhealth.pdf .pdf
TikTok_2021.pdf .pdf
whatchildrenneedtoknowaboutonlinebullying.pdf .pdf
whatsappparentsguide.pdf .pdf
YouTube Guide for Parents.pdf .pdf