Welcome to

Fernvale Primary School

Our policy aims to provide consistency and structure, within which the children can feel secure and know very clearly our expectations of excellent behaviour from them. It is designed to consistently reward good behaviour and support all children to make the right choices about their behaviour enabling them to work, learn and play together in a positive way.






Although, this is very rare we do at times need support pupils who find it more challenging to follow our diamond rules at all times.  This is how we respond to misbehaviour.


Step 1

If a child is continually moving through the behaviour system, or if a single incident is serious, then parents/carers need to be informed by the class teacher. The class teacher will decide on the next most appropriate step for that individual child e.g. sticker or tick chart with targets.

These steps do run sequentially; however, steps can be bypassed dependent on severity (see appendix 1) at the discretion of the senior leadership team.

Step 2

Support should be taken from a member of the middle leadership team who can support with behavioural strategies.

Time may be needed in another classroom to support both child and teacher.

Step 3

If inappropriate behaviour continues after this, then a meeting will be arranged between SLT or SENCO with the child and parents/carers. They will talk through a Behaviour Improvement Plan. (Appendix 4)

Step 4

If the behaviour is still unresolved, then the child can be placed on a 1 or 2 week behaviour report with the Deputy Headteacher. A Behaviour Report (Appendix 3) is a way of closely monitoring a child’s behaviour throughout each day (including playtime and lunchtime). The child meets with their Parents, Class Teacher and Deputy Headteacher to set no more than three targets. They are then praised for meeting their targets. The report is monitored by the class teacher and parents. At the end of the week the Deputy Headteacher meets with the child to look at their progress. Parents are kept updated of their child’s behaviour progress. The behaviour report will be formulated between the class teacher and the child. At this point, the child may be placed back onto a behaviour management plan as well. (Appendix 4).

Step 5

If the behaviour is still unresolved, then the child will be placed on a 1 or 2 week behaviour report with the Headteacher; (Appendix 6) this is similar to the report above. This will be accompanied by pre and post conversations with the child and parents/carers.

Step 6

Exclusion from school (internal or external) for a fixed period.

Step 7

Permanent exclusion





It is our policy at Fernvale Primary School to work in partnership with parents and the wider community. We believe that co-operation and a sense of joint purpose between School and parents will assist in ensuring open and positive relationships.

From time to time, however, parents and members of the public may express concerns or make a complaint. We take all complaints seriously and have procedures in place for dealing with them.

 Where possible, complaints will be resolved informally. Where a complaint has not been resolved informally, then formal procedures as detailed in our complaints procedure may be followed.

Copies of the complaints procedure are available from the school office on request.




Possible Resolution:

1st Point of Call

Talk to your child’s class teacher after school or make an appointment to meet them. This includes any concerns around playtime and lunchtimes.

Identify issue, discuss possible solution or what the outcome will be. This may include a time scale to ensure the matter is fully resolved or to review the situation.

2nd Point of Call

If not resolved, make an appointment with the Deputy Headteacher or Headteacher.

Discuss concerns, consider ways forward.

Actions and time scales to be put in place.

3rd Point of Call

We endeavour to ensure that we can support all parents with any concerns and can come to resolutions before this stage, however if you are not happy with the outcome or support you have been given. Please refer to our Complaints Policy.





20222025 AntiBullying Policy.pdf .pdf
20232025 Pupil Behaviour Policy.pdf .pdf