Welcome to

Fernvale Primary School


Here at Fernvale, we have a fantastic Parent Teacher Association. We are a friendly group who always welcome new members. We meet a few times in the school year to plan and organise events. All our events are great fun and all the money raised goes back into school to benefit the children at Fernvale.  


We support the school with regular funding raising.  The PTA smashed their target of £7500, and we actually raised over £9600. This was a fantastic total. Thanks to staff, parents, children, families, and the wider community who have supported our fundraising efforts. 


Fernvale PTA Events

Bake Off

We made cakes and wish to thank all those who came to the event to buy cakes at our amazing Bake Off. We had a fantastic event and raised £647.62.

Christmas Fair

We hold annual Christmas fairs at Fernvale. We had a great number of donations from families at Fernvale, local businesses, and our fundraising partner Tesco. The event was very well attended and had a lovely atmosphere. We raised a record-breaking £1834.64. This was used to purchase new guided reading books, maths apps for the iPads, times tables Rock Stars, maths resources, and new dictionaries.  

Fancy Dress Disco

Our first ever fancy dress disco raised over £400. The children had a great time and looked fantastic in their costumes. 

Tesco Sale 

We held our tabletop new goods sale and we raised a fabulous £1224.64 Thanks to all who attended. We hope you got a bargain

December Newsletter.pdf .pdf
PTA Newsletter Jan 22.docx .docx
PTA Newsletter Oct 21.pdf .pdf
Annual General Meeting Agenda.docx .docx
Fernvale PTA AGM Minutes. 25.09.2023docx .2023docx
PTA AGM 20212022 Minutes.pdf .pdf
PTA AGM Meeting Minutes.pdf .pdf
PTA Constitution.docx .docx
PTA Meeting Minutes 18.03.24.pdf .pdf
PTA Meeting Minutes 19.01.22.pdf .pdf
PTA Meeting Minutes 24052022.pdf .pdf
PTA Meeting Minutes 27022022.pdf .pdf
Welcome to

Fernvale Primary School


Here at Fernvale, we have a fantastic Parent Teacher Association. We are a friendly group who always welcome new members. We meet a few times in the school year to plan and organise events. All our events are great fun and all the money raised goes back into school to benefit the children at Fernvale.  


We support the school with regular funding raising.  The PTA smashed their target of £7500, and we actually raised over £9600. This was a fantastic total. Thanks to staff, parents, children, families, and the wider community who have supported our fundraising efforts. 


Fernvale PTA Events

Bake Off

We made cakes and wish to thank all those who came to the event to buy cakes at our amazing Bake Off. We had a fantastic event and raised £647.62.

Christmas Fair

We hold annual Christmas fairs at Fernvale. We had a great number of donations from families at Fernvale, local businesses, and our fundraising partner Tesco. The event was very well attended and had a lovely atmosphere. We raised a record-breaking £1834.64. This was used to purchase new guided reading books, maths apps for the iPads, times tables Rock Stars, maths resources, and new dictionaries.  

Fancy Dress Disco

Our first ever fancy dress disco raised over £400. The children had a great time and looked fantastic in their costumes. 

Tesco Sale 

We held our tabletop new goods sale and we raised a fabulous £1224.64 Thanks to all who attended. We hope you got a bargain

December Newsletter.pdf .pdf
PTA Newsletter Jan 22.docx .docx
PTA Newsletter Oct 21.pdf .pdf
Annual General Meeting Agenda.docx .docx
Fernvale PTA AGM Minutes. 25.09.2023docx .2023docx
PTA AGM 20212022 Minutes.pdf .pdf
PTA AGM Meeting Minutes.pdf .pdf
PTA Constitution.docx .docx
PTA Meeting Minutes 18.03.24.pdf .pdf
PTA Meeting Minutes 19.01.22.pdf .pdf
PTA Meeting Minutes 24052022.pdf .pdf
PTA Meeting Minutes 27022022.pdf .pdf