At Fernvale we value the importance of challenge and we encourage our pupils to relish difficult tasks.
Below you can find different resources and websites to challenge your maths, English, and science skills. Remember, it is always a good idea to make sure that you get plenty of practice at the things you find more difficult. This way you can help yourself to improve.
Your teachers would love to hear about any work you try from this area.
Download these cards and see how many of the challenges you can complete.
Maths Challenge 1 Maths Challenge 4 Maths Challenge 7 Maths Challenge 10 |
Maths Challenge 2 Maths Challenge 5 Maths Challenge 8 Maths Challenge 11 |
Maths Challenge 3 Maths Challenge 6 Maths Challenge 9 |
Try out some of the problem-solving activities from the brilliant NRICH website.
Key Stage 1 | Stage 2
A collection of games covering a wide variety of maths and English skills.
Maths | English
A collection of interactive and fun educational games for all abilities.
This website is a favourite for practicing phonics. To access all of the games you must subscribe, but there are plenty of free resources which you can try.
As a guide to which phase to choose here are how the main phases for each year group.