Welcome to

Fernvale Primary School


This SEND information report is part of the Leicestershire Local Offer for pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. The Local Authority in collaboration with Leicestershire schools has produced the Local Offer.  It is a legal duty for all governing bodies of maintained schools, nurseries and academies to publish information on the website about the policy for pupils with SEND

At Fernvale Primary we are committed to working together with children, staff and parents in a partnership to enable all children to realise their potential.  We value contact with all parents including those parents of children who have SEN.  By working closely together we can maximise the attainment and progress of these pupils.


What does ‘special educational needs and disabilities’ (SEND) mean?

Some children find it more difficult to learn and make progress.  Children can have needs and difficulties that affect their ability to learn. For example, a child with emotional and social difficulties may have problems making friends or a child may have specific difficulties with reading, writing or maths.  A child may have a disability such as a hearing or sight impairment. Children who are identified as having significant difficulties in school are categorised as having special educational needs or SEND.


Who should you talk to if you think your child has special educational needs?

  • As a parent, you are always welcome to make an appointment to talk to your child’s class teacher.  They will be able to offer you advice and strategies about how you can help your child with their learning at home.
  • You can also speak to our school Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENDCo) Ms Omar. If you have any questions regarding your child please do not hesitate to contact the school via the school office: 0116 2416722.
  •  If you have a medical concern about your child, make an appointment to see your GP and inform the school of the outcome if you feel it is appropriate to their learning and development.


How does the school identify children with SEN and inform you?

Approximately 1 in 5 children nationally are identified as having SEN but many more children will have special educational needs of some kind during their education.

The code of practice 2014 identifies four broad categories of SEND:

  • Communication and interaction (such as autistic spectrum and language disorders)
  • Cognition and learning (such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, moderate learning difficulties and global development delay)
  • Social, emotional, mental health (such as ADHD, ADD, attachment disorders, emotional difficulties, mental health difficulties)
  • Physical and sensory (hearing or vision impaired)

Every child’s progress is measured continuously throughout each academic year in reading, writing, maths and science.  Whilst there are times when all children’s learning slows or accelerates, we use this information to identify any children who may have difficulties. Children’s progress is discussed at school pupil progress meetings held half termly.  Any children not making expected progress will be discussed and a plan will be put into place.  This may be to provide them with some extra support in a particular area (E.g. a reading intervention). If concerns persist, a child’s class teacher will talk to parents about progress and will gain further information about the child’s general development. Following this discussion, a decision will be agreed as to how we can support your child more effectively. At this stage they may be listed on the academy’s Special Needs register.

The SENCo or other trained staff may assess your child using a range of standardised tests.  These assessments can be used to add to and inform teachers’ own understanding and assessments of a child.

Documents & Policies:

Accessibility Plan 2023-2026.pdf .pdf
SEND Policy 2024-2025.pdf .pdf
SENDReport for Parents.pdf .pdf

We have provided links to both Leicester and Leicestershire Local Authority Websites because the Local Offer is based on where the family lives and not where the school is located.


Local Offer


Local Offer

Complaints procedures- We do understand that there can be increased anxieties for families around supporting pupils with additional needs. However, we also recognise how important it is that every decision being made is always in the best interest of the individual child. We aim to resolve any difficulties in a respectful, fair and transparent way. 

More detailed  information can also be found in our Key Information - Behaviour section of this website.