Welcome to

Fernvale Primary School



We recognise that children must be given the opportunity to develop their physical skills as well as their academic abilities.  We offer a wide range of experiences in PE lessons, including gymnastics, athletics, dance, team games, bat and racket sports and swimming.

There are opportunities for children across KS1 and KS2 to enter into inter-school competitions, although every child is given access to our exciting curriculum whether they want to take part in our wide range of after-school sports clubs or to enjoy developing their confidence and abilities in bi-weekly lessons.

The PE resources are well stocked with a great range of equipment for all areas of the curriculum, including being able to offer specialist equipment for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.  Also, children who are identified as having particular sporting talents are given the support and encouragement to develop these skills further.


We what children to take part in:

EYFS and KS1- 

  • Fundamental Movement
  • Team Games
  • Dance

KS2 - 

  • Competitive Games
  • Dance
  • Outdoor and Adventurous
  • Gymnastics
  • Athletics
  • Swimming

Whole school timetables show all classes are allocated two, one-hour slots within each week. One is an outside slot and the other an indoor. Teachers, therefore, plan and deliver the statutory two hours of Physical Education required each week. Each one-hour slot will be used for a different unit of work. E.g. an indoor slot may be used for Gymnastics on Monday, whilst the outdoor slot may be used for a Games unit on a Wednesday. All pupils are taught the importance of exercise and being healthy.

As a school, we provide swimming provision for the whole of Key Stage Two. We travel to a local swimming bath and the swimming is taught by both swimming coaches and members of staff from our school.  We follow the ASA swimming awards and levels and use a tracking grid as a form of assessment for learning. The grids are taken to the poolside and filled in there and then over the course of the sessions to provide accurate and immediate assessment data for each pupil. 


Progress is monitored through use of informal assessments, including observations and questioning.  Pupil voice also plays a critical role in measuring the impact of PE at Fernvale Primary School.

Progress and achievement in swimming is tracked and assessed at the end of each KS2 swimming block and again at Year 6, recording percentages of pupils swimming the required 25m distance.

Impact is also measured through achievements within competitions across the county, reaching finals in multiple sports and achieving county winners.


Children from KS2 took part in 3 races in the Oadby and Wigston Schools Cross Country League. One of our Year 6 children achieved first place in all 3 of his races and won the Year 6 boys overall competition!


Spirit of the games winners in 2022


Our KS1 pupils were the winners in the Primary Gymnastics LSLSSP competition.


Our Key Stage 2 pupils enjoy swimming and work towards out expectation of swimming 25m and having good water safety knowledge.


We have a group of young people who act as sports ambassadors and playground leaders. They have attended training at Gartree High School. They are now equipped with the skills to promote sport at Fernvale and help with various events and activities throughout the year. 

