Welcome to

Fernvale Primary School

Fernvale Primary School has adopted a wide range of policies and procedures which explain how different aspects of school operate. Some of these policies are legally required whilst others are recommended.

In developing our policies, we draw on national guidelines, taking into account the particular needs of our children and our school's circumstances. Most policies are reviewed every three years but some are updated annually. Depending on the subject or area, reviews may be led by subject leaders, senior leaders or a governors' committee. All policies are ratified by governors.  


If you would like to read our Trust Policies please click this link: https://www.owlsacademytrust.co.uk/finance-policies

These will include: Charging and Remissions, Complaints, Data Protection, Debt Policy, Equality Information and Objectives, Exclusion, Freedom of Information, Health and safety, Inclusion, Sex and Relationship, Whistleblowing and many others.

Acceptable Use Guidedance 2022-2025.pdf .pdf
Accessibility Plan 2023-2026.pdf .pdf
Allegations and Concerns Policy 2022-2025.pdf .pdf
Anti-Bullying Policy 2022-2025.pdf .pdf
Assessment Guidance 2022-2025.pdf .pdf
Attendance and Absence Policy 2024-2026.pdf .pdf
Behaviour Policy 2024-2026.pdf .pdf
Business Continuity Plan 2024-2025.pdf .pdf
Equality Information and Objectives Statement 2022-2026.pdf .pdf
EYFS Policy 2024-2027.pdf .pdf