Fernvale Primary School

Fernvale Primary School

A place to learn and grow

Somerby Road, Leicester, Leicestershire, LE7 9PR


0116 241 6722



PSHE education is a planned programme of learning through which children and young people acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to manage their lives. As part of a whole school approach, PSHE develops the qualities and attributes pupils need to thrive as individuals.

At Fernvale, all years follow core PSHCE units as well as the SEAL (Social, Emotional, Aspects of Learning) curriculum over a two year cycle. SEAL contributes to personal development by promoting social and emotional aspects of learning. It provides a framework and some ideas for teaching social and emotional skills within discrete lessons, and links across other curriculum subjects.

Fernvale’s school council also take an active role is supporting our learning through their contributions and fund raising ideas. In addition, Year 5 children work as mentors during breaks in their role as playground buddies, and all years act as Book Buddies for peer support. The whole school take an active role in support against bullying and all classes take part in anti-bully week every November.

 Future developments include the involvement of parents within our PSCHE curriculum. We hope to include parents to support lessons in class and bring the community together by working with more organisations such as the local police and community charity workers.


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